and friends ...
and brothers ...
The Lord's blessing is so exceedingly abundant.
Following up on my previous notes about errors with apt-spy ...
Here is a recent version of mirrors.txt with all of the erroring sites meticulously removed as of today.
And here is a sources.list that apt-spy has generated for me.
If you are like me you feel better when you have a list of mirrors that does not waste time generating a bunch of errors and time outs, even if it's only good for a day or so before the errors start to creep back in.
<%@ page import = "You can test this jsp pretty easily with something like We also have a version of soapui written in flash, so you can put that swf in those hard to get to places on your network for trouble shooting, or when soapui will not authenticate easily in the "https only" areas of your network.
" %><%
String wsdl = (String) request.getParameter("wsdl");
if (wsdl != null) {
%>Your wsdl xml goes here<%
} else {
String endPoint = "http://localhost:8080/axis/services/Version";
int timeout = 60000;
String method = (String) request.getMethod();
if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("POST")) {
String soapAction = (String) request.getHeader("soapaction");
int contentLength = request.getContentLength();
byte ba[] = new byte[contentLength];
ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(ba);
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.append(new String(ba));
System.out.println("==== soapRequest ====");
SOAPEnvelope soapRequest = new SOAPEnvelope();
SOAPEnvelope soapResponse = new SOAPEnvelope();
try {
soapRequest = new SOAPEnvelope(inputStream);
Service service = new Service();
Call call = (Call) service.createCall();
call.setTargetEndpointAddress(new URL(endPoint));
call.setTimeout(new Integer(timeout));
if (soapAction == null) {
} else {
if (soapAction.equals("")) {
} else {
soapResponse = (SOAPEnvelope) call.invoke(soapRequest);
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
System.out.println("==== soapResponse ====");
if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("GET")) {
%>method="GET" is not implimented here<%
# apt-spy -d unstable -o ./output.sources.txt -w outputFile.txt -n 20
Couldn't find country LU . Skipping.
Benchmarking FTP...
Downloaded 4770019 bytes in 12.55 seconds
Download speed: 371.05 kB/sec
Benchmarking HTTP...
Downloaded 4770019 bytes in 11.22 seconds
Download speed: 415.06 kB/sec
Segmentation fault
# cp -p /var/lib/apt-spy/mirrors.txt .
# apt-get --purge remove apt-spy
# wget -c
# dpkg -i apt-spy_3.1-13_i386.deb
# cp -p ./mirrors.txt /var/lib/apt-spy/.
# echo "apt-spy hold" | dpkg --set-selections
apt-spy ... will report 6 out of 7 servers as non-functioning, while in reality all except 1 are functioning
Did you ever wonder what it would be like if God made a movie? What story would he like to tell? What would be the theme, the plot and what would the music be like?
I attended a premier of one of his movies myself, on our trip. Its subject was the glory of God. The main players were colors, of course. They do this subject best. He himself is the casting director, and He really does know what he is doing.
The story unfolded as we moved through unfamiliar terrain. Purple hillside called us and we gasped at her magnificence. Yellow wildflowers ...vied for our attention with such intensity and passion. Massive in number were the yellow wildflower extras: A cast of billions, each one smiling at us. The greens deserve an Oscar. The grains alone are so multi-hued that it would take too long to describe them.
My favorites are the tiny triplets, teff.They are found mostly only in Ethiopia and there are 3 colors on the end of the grass like stalks. There is dark brown, red brown and my personal delight, iridescent celery green. The wind makes such a wonderful display swirling over the different teff's. Her dance is never ending and moved on with each new vista.
Then the venerable old acacia treeswith their dark, almost black trunks and deep green flat topped foliage, look so distinguished in their costumes of long fingered resurrection ferns. Some of them even had yellow flowers blooming. Then there are what I call the snow trees. For this showing, they don glorious tiny white blossoms atop each branch like a light snow has just fallen. Bamboo ...
with its lighter greens spring up in the most unlooked for places, careless fingers lifted to heaven begging to be noticed. Like selfish movie stars they wave in the breeze. Clouds float and gather and then dissipate again adding stark contrast and setting the mood of the moment. Sometimes in grey they look threatening, sometimes they create a sense of delight and fantasy in white.
A finale came upon us quite unexpectedly. Thistles ...of all things, with purple flowers the size of a baby's head. They added to the display a faint (wish-I-could-do-more-but-I'm-just-a-thistle) fragrance. They obviously stole the show despite their false modesty.
The movie is playing at outdoor theaters near you. You will have different actors, but you will be no less awed. If you can't get out, ask to see it in some other medium. Or perhaps you could go and play it out for someone else (a la David in the Psalms). Let the worship overwhelm you and then let it spread to someone else, till 'the whole earth is full of his glory.'
Edit this file:
C:\Program Files\Macromedia\(your flash version)\(your language)\First Run\Classes\mx\services\
Line 485 (or so) change this code:
var partNode = this.encodeParam(partName, partType.schemaType, elementNode, qname);
if (partObj != undefined)
this.encodeParamValue(partObj, partType.schemaType, partNode, document);
To this code:
if (partObj != undefined) {
var partNode = this.encodeParam(partName, partType.schemaType, elementNode, qname);
this.encodeParamValue(partObj, partType.schemaType, partNode, document);
Now when you use a webServiceConnector (or SOAP or WebService classes), flash will not add empty nodes to the request
SOAP envelope (which causes some web services to fail)!!!!!
15 => 1+5=6 \x
x 11 => 1+1=2 ==> 2x6=12 => 1+2=3
165 => 1+6+5=12 => 1+2=3
44 => 4+4=8 \x
x 66 => 6+6=12 => 1+2=3 ==> 3x8=24 => 2+4=6
2904 => 2+9+0+4=15 => 1+5=6
42 => 4+2=6 \+
+ 23 => 2+3=5 ==> 5+6=11 => 1+1=2
65 => 6+5=11 => 1+1=2
57 => 5+7=12 => 1+2=3 \+
+ 94 => 9+4=13 => 1+3=4 ==> 4+3=7
151 => 1+5+1=7
4.5 => 4+5=9 \x
x 12.7 => 1+2+7=10 ==> 10x9=90 ==> 9+0=9
57.15 => 5+7+1+5=18 => 1+8=9
92 => 9+2=11 => 1+1=2 \-
- 115 => 1+1+5=7 ==> 7-2=5
23 => 2+3=5
92 => 9+2=11 => 1+1=2 \/
/ 115 => 1+1+5=7 ==> 7/2=3.5 => 3+5=8
0.8 => 0+8=8