By the way, I have personally verified several of his findings using software simulators other than the ones he presents with, as have many other people. For example, if you use Celestia, and would like to see for yourself, try pasting this link into celestia:
cel://Follow/Sol:Earth/-002-09-11T09:53:28.98915?x=5LLYJbN8E2AP&y=W5ATh/lZeAQ&z=J+bqkl6NBVv8/////////w&ow=0.692809&ox=0.083885&oy=-0.715486&oz=0.032531&select=Sol&fov=51.054504&ts=0.524288<d=0&p=0&rf=279567&lm=11&ver=2What I found, like professor Larson, was that:
1. Starting in September of 3BC, the planet Jupiter has a triple conjunction with the king star, Regulus, signifying the conception of the Messiah
2. Nine months later in June of 2BC there is an amazingly bright conjunction between the mother planet, Venus, and the king planet, Jupiter, signifiying the birth of Yeshua Moshiach
3. And then later on December 25th of that very year (2BC), Jupiter is in full retrograde and so it had stopped over the place where the child was south of Jerusalem as viewed from the temple mount.
The Gospel of Matthew, and other theologians, explain how this news disturbed King Herod and all of Jerusalem, and Herod sent the Magi to Bethlehem to tell him where the child was, and it must have disturbed the people greatly because when the Magi did not return, Herod ordered all of the babies in Bethlehem to be killed.
So, even with my sad little computer sitting here, I have found much more than what I have noted above. And once you've see Dr. Larson unlocking the "celestial poem in the Bible" as he calls it, you will see what I mean. The bible has many more things to say about the stars. And apparently the stars have much more to tell us.
The heavens declare the glory of God; And the expanse shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, And night unto night reveals knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. Their voice has gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. Psalm 19:1-3
Let us know what you find.
Extra Credit Quiz:
Here is something I also found quite interesting after watching professor Larson's video. Again, I am using software that he does not use in his presentation, but I am also finding things that are quite startling.
cel://SyncOrbit/Sol:Earth/0033-04-03T18:16:22.69240?x=WPxnjdUHXKbz/////////w&y=GF9bgqIp7fP//////////w&z=aFHN/DdNlCAK&ow=0.339869&ox=0.551114&oy=-0.720708&oz=0.247675&track=Sol:Earth:Moon&select=Sol:Earth:Moon&fov=16.621897&ts=1.000000<d=0&p=0&rf=279599&lm=11&ver=2Hint: This bookmark places you about 15 feet in the air above the streets of Jerusalem at an insteresting point in history.
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