My wife and I are pregnant. Well, I should say, she is pregnant, and we are expecting :-) This will be our third child, and I am more excited than I should be. Admitting that I am more excited than I was with our first would not be exaggerating, but it feels inappropriate to say it that way.
The girls are excited. And
mommy is feeling great.
Anyway, on to business ...
How should we tell the grandparents? The thing is, my wife is already 5 months pregnant, so it's not like we just found out. My wife's family already knows, but they have not told my folks yet. My sister does not know yet either, but if you find out, honey, do not tell Mom and Dad yet, they'll find out in about two more paragraphs.
I saw a video of a friend of mine, who first got news of her new grandchild when she met her son and daughter-in-law at the airport, and she asked, "Who is this?" And then they told her it was her grandson ... She cried with surprise and joy, and it was a great. I do not think we will go that far, but we do want to have some fun.
This is also a bit daring, because I know my mom and dad may read this blog, and if they find out how long it's been in my drafts folder, they'll ring my neck. So Dad, I know you've read my blog, and if you read this before you find out any other way ... Your newest grandchild should be here in about four more months. And Mom, do not go and complain that your son only communicates with you via his blog. This blog is trying to come up with a creative way to tell you. There are also already
other posts on the internet about it, so it's not such a secret I guess, but really, that's even worse, right? Because the whole world knows before the grandparents ... sigh.
Vernon's rules for posting:
- Bad news ... publish it immediately to those who are affected by it, and first to those most affected ... experience will teach you this.
- Good news ... Tell everyone and take your time doing so, especially if that will spread more of the joy. The best example I can give is the truely Good News that has brought me the most joy.
Someone suggested that we invite them to a birthday party in April ... Great idea!
Another couple had a fun time ... They steamed some fortune cookies, opened them up, and put fortunes in them for the grandparents such as, "In four months, you will have a new heir to your fortune cookies".
If you have a fun idea about how to break the news, let me know.